Fundamental Forms of Information

Los Angeles Times, June 20, 1987, part II, p. 1; photo by George R. Fry Fundamental forms of information, as well as the term “information” itself, are defined and developed for the purposes of information science/studies. Concepts of natural and represented information (taking an unconventional sense of representation), encoded and embodied information, as well as experienced, enacted, expressed, embedded, recorded, and trace information are elaborated. The utility of these terms for the discipline is illustrated with examples from the study

2006-02-14T14:10:22+01:00februari 14, 2006|Informatie management|

Searching the World Wide Web: a basic tutorial

A basic tutorial written by Anja Habraken, Roger Schmitz and Peter van Tilburg from RTilburg University. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of Information on the Internet 3. Using the World Wide Web 4. How to search the World Wide Web 5. Metapages 6. Subject Directories 7. Search Engines 8. Metasearchers or Crawlers 9. Specialised Search Engines 10. Ask an Expert 11. Evaluating Web Pages 12. List of Internet Terms 13. List of Urls

2006-02-05T21:13:05+01:00februari 5, 2006|Zoeken naar informatie|

'De online toekomst heet Web 2.0' – NRC handelsblad

Het NRC heeft vandaag een artikel van Remmelt Otten over de trends (Nauwkeuriger zoeken op internet, online samenwerken en mensen vinden met dezelfde interesses) van Web 2.0 op een rij gezet. Het artikel begint met een vergelijking tussen het internet vijf jaar geleden, voor de crash, en de situatie nu. Het grote verschil zit hem er volgens hun in dat het internet diep is doorgedrongen tot bedrijven en huishoudens (meer dan de helft van alle huishoudens heeft een snelle breedbandaansluiting

2005-12-14T11:36:28+01:00december 14, 2005|Trends en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen|

Intranet portals and how people navigate large information spaces

As we observed employees using their organization's intranet, we saw a stark trend: Almost always, users only fire up their browser when they have something to do. They have a mission in mind before they even bring up the portal's initial page. As with other types of web pages, intranet portals succeed best when the scent to the employee's desired content is strong. However, because the portal engulfs all of the content from every site on the intranet, designers must

2005-12-13T10:57:54+01:00december 13, 2005|Informatie management|

Over 44% of companies do not have an information management strategy

London, 7th September 2005 - According to a survey of Information Management and IT Professionals, conducted by Documation-UK and supported by Vignette, over 44% of respondents revealed that their company still does not have a document and information management strategy and over a fifth of the Information Management and IT Professionals surveyed indicated that more than 60% of their company's information was still held only as hard paper copies. These figures show that there is still much to be done

2005-12-12T09:20:51+01:00december 12, 2005|Informatie management|
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