To celebrate the release of our new O'Reilly book, 'Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions', I want to share an additional set of principles and patterns I have been using for RIA design. While the book takes a much more consumer web site orientation, these concepts are central to enterprise application and web productivity application design and more broad than those discussed in the book.[LINK] 12 Standard Screen Patterns | Theresaneil's Weblog | January 17, 2000 [LINK] Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich InteractionsThis is the first article in a three part series.
- Standard Screen Patterns: 12 patterns w/100 examples
- Essential Controls: 30 controls for RIA design and development
- Components for Commonly Requested Features: 15 patterns and examples
With more companies turning to RIA frameworks for enterprise software development, these screen patterns are indispensable for product managers, UX designers, information architects, interaction designers and developers. The patterns "
[link] 12 Standard Screen Patterns « Theresaneil's Weblog
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