Het onderzoeken van het nederlandse 'visuele landschap'

Eerste bijeenkomst VizThink Nederland op 25 september in Amsterdam


On the 25th of September the Dutch Chapter of VIZTHINK will have its first gathering! The focus will be on taking inventory of the visual techniques used by all who attend the event & see how they tie in together in the larger field of visual thinking. Everybody who in some way has something to do with visualization in their own particular field of expertise is encouraged to come and share their thoughts! Together we will create some way of throwing this back into the community for further developement towards a growing understanding of what Visual Thinking is in Holland. By publishing the results of our session we hope to challenge other countries to do the same... so we might compare our differences and comminalities online and in real life in october!

Laat weten dat je geïnteresseerd bent en meld je aan op VizThink Netherlands >

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